Friday, October 5, 2012


Sometimes I feel like this autism is only temporary, that some day he going to wake up and be "normal."coming more aware, Every day I become more aware that what he can accomplish may change, like him signing drink after months and months of sessions, but autism doesn't go way. People may lose diagnosis but a truly autistic doesn't snap out of it to my understanding. Even so, I have learned a lot from my son. For one autism doesn't define who he is. Who he is, is the little boy who likes to play in tunnels, who thinks grass is the coolest thing on earth, and who doesnt care if it is not cool to like flowers... (specifically the yellow ones.) He likes Vegetales and Silly songs with Larry. Music of all sorts makes him dance. His smile is beautiful, and his eyes sparkle. For him, sleep is over rated, and bouncing is all the rave. If its round, and rolls (a ball) of any sort demands his attention. I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but I know we have today. :0) and Dalton is who he is. A typical day: 9/27/2012 This week Dalton said apple. His eye contact was very good at times although not consistent. He was pushing a wheeled toy back to Heather who returned it to him. He spent a moment setting on a ball, and rocking. Dalton said “what” when I stated “Hey there…” trying to get his attention to bring him down off the stairs. With Cindy he didn’t want to transition well but he attended. He kept trying to escape from Nina as well, and melting down when I asked him if he would like a drink. He signed the word drink and I gave him some kool aid. Dalton’s mannerism was much better afterwards. We discussed his sensory. We will be doing the whole program shortly to help him through the winter. This will include the full program with brushing his skin every two hours, a trampoline, and his swing. Nina has suggested that we also bump into him while he is swinging and swing him side to side and bump him into the door frame as he is protected by the bean bag chair inside the swing. We also have discussed Springville for his education. I have suggested that I call them and let them know what the district is suggesting and ask for their support in his education. Nina has suggested that we work on his pulling as he is more prone to push.

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